Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lies, Lies, Lies

Again, Chelsea is stating that if anyone wants her to make changes to her articles, to produce to her the errors in question. This was brought up in our post titled "How Chelsea Hoffman Hurts People". When given the list of errors, Chelsea immediately deleted the posts, and never contacted anyone about trying to make ANY of the corrections. Once again, she is just full of lies. She wants to make everyone think that she's willing to correct the problems, but once they are brought to her attention, she refuses to acknowledge them. 

How can you ask for something, be given it, and then completely dismiss it?

Below, is the list of errors that Chelsea was given, that were never acknowledged.

If Chelsea truly cared about her "writing" and her image, she would do well to contact the family, or at the very least, make the changes that were pointed out. Maybe then, this can all stop, but probably not. If it's not one family, it's going to be another, and it will continue until Chelsea has such a bad reputation, that no one will want her to write for them; except, maybe the National Enquirer. 

Another lie? 

No, I'm not talking about the "fifth semester" comment, there's not really anyway that I can prove that, all I know is that she's been enrolled at Ashworth College since September 2011. I can point out though, the fact that she blatantly states that she got "straight A's"....followed by the "except for one class, got a B". Hmmmm let me think about that. You can't have straight A's if you have a B. So no Chelsea, you didn't get straight A's. 

As you can see, it's not just the facts about families or deceased individuals that Chelsea chooses to lie about. She lies to herself, her family, and her "followers".  

Time to get the facts straight Chelsea.

1 comment:

  1. So glad someone is dedicating their time and effort to rectify the problems the parasite has caused. Keep pointing out her wrong doings, flaws, mistakes and lies. She has GOT to be stopped! I doubt even a rag like Enquirer would want her to lie (I mean write) for them. She's that BAD! Keep up the good work!
