Tuesday, January 29, 2013

5 months

Two days ago marked 5 months since Dana Marie Woods was murdered. The family is still awaiting any information on trial dates for these monsters. 

I have been quiet the last few months, as we have had some other pressing family issues to take care of, and we are still trying to deal with the loss of a life that should never have been taken. 

I am still receiving comments on the blog, so I know that people are reading what is being posted, which I'm more than happy about and I want to thank all of my readers for sticking with me as we go through this.  

I do want to share a small bit of information with you, it appears that TruTV caught wind of Hoffman, and decided to interview her. The article also included a link to this blog *woot*, however, in the article there is a bit of misinformation. The following is taken from the article

At one point, Chelsea lashed out and said something that’s sure to follow her around the internet forever: “So I heard your daughter liked taking loads to the face.” That one, Chelsea wants to clarify, was not addressed at Dana, even if that’s what the blog would have you believe. 

I do want to clarify, that I NEVER insinuated that those words were directed towards Dana, and you can go back and look at the blog post which contains that information, and verify it for yourself. 

I specifically stated:

The following posts were made to Diane while standing up for the Hill/Wood's family.

In no way were fingers being pointed at Hoffman that she said those words about Dana, but instead to a friend of the family of Dana.

While I am not actively pursuing Hoffman at this time, I do have eyes in the sky, so I am aware of  anything that is said about Dana. 

Hope this post finds you all well! :)


  1. Glad to see you're backtracking on your lies!

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    2. Looks like she's commenting here now. I read the post, there was nothing even unintentionally that would lend creedence to your lies Chelsea. The post specifically says your filth was directed at someone with the pseudonym of Diane, who is a supporter of the deceased women's.families.
      You really are a twisted individual.

  2. Chelsea is a vile repugnant bitch. The best part of her as human being ran down her dads leg when he pulled out of her mom the night she was conceived. There is nothing redeemable about this woman and the world would be a much better place if people like her were not on it.

  3. There was a young woman names Jill Meagher who was recently murdered in Australia. She worked for ABC radio, and the case received a lot of publicity. There were images of Jill and the murderer on a shop's security camera, and this man who killed her, had previous convictions for violent rape. CHELSEA HOFFMAN wrote on her website, that she believe Jill Meagher's husband was most likely to have committed the murder. This statement was made with no evidence, no research, and was pure speculation. Her stupid assumption was made on some innane 'theory' to do with the percentages. But Chelsea Hoffman is not intelligent enough to understand statistics and not kind or considerate enough to care about how these statements could effect the husband and family of Jill. Ignorance and hatred are a terrible combinaton and Chelsea Hoffman sums up both!

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  4. Hello, I actually came across your blog because I ran upon an article by Chelsea. Being unfamliar with her and suspicious of her credentials after readng that article, I decided to do a little investigating. Honestly, I'm not sure how anybody could take her "work" too seriously. It's just in such poor taste. It's one thing to express an opinion, and it's another to invent a title that leads people to believe you are a legitimate professional. I guess some people are just "rockstars" in their own minds?

  5. I hope whoever is running this blog comes back.

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  8. Is this the same Chelsea Hoffman that was under suspicion of decapitating her best friend?

